Africa is experiencing urban growth of momentous proportions. As part of this growth the continent needs to develop and build infrastructure and transport networks to serve the future. The digital space offers a great opportunity to work together as transport stakeholders, and to develop partnerships that are helpful for everyone. Digital data and tools can contribute significantly to the creation of valuable passenger information systems.
Two years ago we launched the Digital Transport For Africa platform. It focuses on transport datasets, and has different goals: to capitalise on existing knowledge; coordinate funding efforts; promote standardisation; promote open data, open source tools and participation in shared creation; and allow independent data management. This platform has its own website, a free and open resources centre (DigitalTransport4africa(dot)org)
More content and data are regularly added to the platform. We would like to know more about your needs so that we can add relevant resources and tools to improve your experience of the platform. With that in mind, we would greatly appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to answer our short survey and encourage others in your network to also take the survey.